Acceptability of the use of the Whater Pasteurization Indicator (WAPI) in the Native Community ''Shawan Rama'', San Ramón, Peru

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Dana Nicole Cruz Cerrón
Pedro Luis Ángel Pérez Quispe


The Whater Pasteurization Indicator (WAPI) is a technological alternative that allows to achieve health benefits and obtain safe water in communities that do not have treatment. The inclusion of this type of technology is an important challenge in native communities, especially due to its acceptability. For this reason, the present investigation had the objective of evaluating the acceptability of the use of WAPI in the Native Community "Shawan Rama", located in the central jungle of Peru. The Trials of Improved Practices (TIPs) methodology was applied for seven days, starting with registration, then instruction and evaluation of use with a survey applied to 14 participants. The acceptability of this study is measured from the perspective and reaction of the participants. The data was analyzed by classifying the questions by theme, using the Excel and SPSS programs. The results show the use, contextual, psychosocial and technical factors have to do with acceptability. The positive acceptability (92.9%) of the WAPI devices in the Native Community test was demonstrated.

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Acceptability of the use of the Whater Pasteurization Indicator (WAPI) in the Native Community ’’Shawan Rama’’, San Ramón, Peru. (2022). Yotantsipanko, 2(2).

How to Cite

Acceptability of the use of the Whater Pasteurization Indicator (WAPI) in the Native Community ’’Shawan Rama’’, San Ramón, Peru. (2022). Yotantsipanko, 2(2).


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